Batting Stance | Sport Tip
The most frequent questions that I get about hitting are;
How should my hands line up? How far apart should my feet be? What is my head position? How do I hit for power?
These are all great questions and I will cover every one but today I want to talk about having a proper batting stance. Your stance is very important and will help determine how and where you hit the ball.

First, I want you to ask yourself if you feel comfortable in your stance. Comfort is important because it will also give the batter a feeling of confidence in his stance. If you are not comfortable in your stance then you will probably have doubt that you will hit the ball correctly.
Important Keys to a proper batting stance:
- Be in an athletic stance – Feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. This will give you balance so you are not falling over after every swing.
- Head straight to the pitcher – Must be able to see the ball at all times.
- Hands back – Your hands are essential to your swing and I will cover more about your hands in a later tip.

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