Major League Baseball Class

Our Youth Baseball class is the ideal starting point for young players who are new to the game. We focus on teaching the fundamentals of baseball in a fun and supportive environment, helping kids develop skills while building a love for the sport

Our Major League Baseball Class is our introductory program for baseball. The class is designed to teach 5-7 year olds the basics of baseball in a fun environment.

The class is perfect for players that haven’t played before or have limited Little League experience.

Learn the Basics

The class covers hitting, fielding, and throwing.

Build Muscle Memory

The class focuses on repetition of the basic motions to start building muscle memory at a young age.

Fun Environment

The class is designed to be fun to we keep the players engaged and develop their love for baseball.


Spring 2025

Day: Sunday

Time: 10-11am

# of Sessions: 3

Dates: 3/23/2025, 3/30/2025, 4/6/2025

Age: 5-7 yr old

Equipment needed: Helmet, bat, and glove

Price: $100

Questions? Contact us